The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (Paperback & eBook available)


“The Bicycle Touring Blueprint” is the world’s most popular at-home study guide designed to help you plan, prepare for and execute your first bicycle tour.

It’s a paint-by-numbers program that will give you the confidence to embark on the bicycle adventure you’ve always dreamed about. It’s the ultimate shortcut: a step-by-step bicycle touring system that removes all the guesswork, wasted time and frustration that plagues so many first-time bicycle travelers.

Written by Darren Alff of (the world’s most popular and trusted “bicycle touring” website), “The Bicycle Touring Blueprint” is a 400+ page guidebook designed to answer any question you might have about short or long-distance bicycle touring.

Whether you plan to cycle in an area near your home or in a destination on the other side of the planet, “The Bicycle Touring Blueprint” will take you by the hand and walk you through the entire process of planning, preparing for and executing an epic cycling adventure you’ll be sure to remember for the rest of your life!

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This 412-page version of “The Bicycle Touring Blueprint” is a textbook-sized paperback book, sent to you in the mail.